Woodstove working hard
Our woodstove is performing well during the colder weather. We use it to supplement the gas central heating and after a few days of continuous operation the Aarrow stove gives backgound heat to the whole house, as well as making the louge extra cosy. The lounge radiator has a thermostatic valve so the central heating balance is not upset because the room thermostat is in the hall. Wood is obtained locally from the garden and from neighbours who have felled small trees. It is stored in an old Wendy house shed and left for a couple of years to dry out.
I missed an opportunity for a load of secondhand window frames when we had our double glazing installed recently. The installer told me the old frames just go to landfill, which is a tragic waste. The only problem using old frames in the stove is that the paint burns with an awful smell which is quite unpleasant. This is also a problem when using old shelving made of chipboard or plywood. The resin burns rather too well. Better to use unpainted wood when available I think.
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